Green Bay to Stevens Point- Bucks, Ducks, and Sunsets

I had another great weekend out in the woods. Managed to get close enough to get some shots of a few big bucks and waterfowl in Green Bay and witnessed an awesome number of cranes and a gorgeous sunset back in Stevens Point.

I spent Friday afternoon and Saturday in the Green Bay area. I found some big bucks right of the bat at the Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary. It is a big area, about 100 acres and is totally fenced in. The bucks are still pretty difficult and incredibly wily but it is still as enclosed as I'd really like to get. There were also a ton of ducks and geese in the area that I managed to get close to, even a couple of bands and a black duck x mallard hybrid.

This afternoon I spent in the Point area looking for a big bunch of cranes staging in the Buena Vista Grassland area. I found them pretty easily, upwards of 1,000, but they were spending most of their time sitting in the wide open grain fields and did not afford me any great shots. However, the sunset was incredible so I tried to do some HDR work. Cheers



  1. You have beautiful, work! You inspire me, to get a blog going, that i have been wanting to do for a year now!! Not as good as you with the photo line, but trying!! Congrats on your work, and your blog! Looking forward to following it!!


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